Thursday 22 March 2018

Chris' Evaluation

Unit 7 Interactive

Comparing our website with the film websites that we were looking at during the start of the term, was showing different genres than our website as a whole. This is because ours used a darker pallete of secondary colours, like whites, blues and oranges. This then compares to a website that we was looking at during the start called Jumanji -
This website uses an Interactive 360 video where you are accessible to view the surroundings of what it’s like in the film giving you a sneak peek “behind the scenes”. This would compare with ours as their website has a different layout to ours, for example when you first click on the URL for the website, it takes you directly to the interactive view but ours takes you straight to the home page which shows you the synopsis of the film. This is because we wanted to do something differently but still attach it on a different page tab.

My website conforms to existing websites like the Jumanji movie because they both include information about the video and use the similar tones of colour like: blue, white, orange and black. These are quite basic colours but create the layout of the website eye-catching and more enjoyable to look at. Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 14.06.58.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 14.15.01.png

Our website and the Jumanji website are however different within how the information is laid out. Our website uses tabs that you are able to click on o view the information about our interactive video and gives you the list of who the team are. However, the Jumanji 360 experience sends you straight to their 360 virtual video where you are able to go through the experience of Jumanji and understand what it’s all about through your own pace. The differences of this is due to creative choices that we had made. For example: we decided to just use drop down tabs to include the information about our film and include behind the scene photographs to show our audience what went on during the process of filming. But the Jumanji 360 virtual experience let you further into what the films all about by going around on a tour of what it’s all about. The feedback we got from our target audience was that they personally thought that next time when creating something like this, we could’ve added more interactive usage within the website not including the interactive video with it. The problems we faced with this was that we had struggle with getting as much information as possible due to lack of communication sometimes and people not being in to gather their information that they wish to add too. 
As a group we had all decided that we could’ve effectively branded and promoted our promotional package more than we should of as this would’ve meant that we would have more reviews from audience members of what they think about the film. Comparing this to other promotional packages, it hardly gained any views then we thought as we was needed to attract our audience beforehand. 

Our audience’s response to our website: was quite positive in given feedback from how they liked our range of colours that matched our chosen genre, showing who our team are and what our roles are within the production. They gave us further responses for our social media too, which wasn’t as much positive feedback as we had for our website but it wasn’t bad. We had feedback stating: ‘good posts, but more information about our interactive production’. 
As a group, we discussed how effective we thought our website and social media strategy was for our film and we thought that it worked quite well. This was because we researched when our audience was most active which will cause more viewings on our social media/website platforms and by including information and photographs that our audience would enjoy and like seeing. What we would do next time to improve our website and social media strategy is to add more things to the website and to use more in-depth information to our synopsis, instead of basic information of what the film is about and why we chose to do it. 
Our planning for our production was very effective, despite the parts that became an issue, for example the facilities we wanted to use like the rooms we needed to film in was unavailable to use until it was free which set us back further and created more time on our hands.

The elements of my planning were useful with the use of branch chart to look over in knowing what was needed to film first and following it along with so we didn’t miss any clips out or make a wrong choice by going the wrong direction. However, the elements of my planning were week with the editing stage as this became one of my main issues as I had a lot to learn and wasn’t very confident on so it created more of an impact within my work and wouldn’t of  been up to scratch if I didn’t have it checked over. But this made an impact with my production as James and Megan, my other team members would be ahead of me with this, so it would set everyone back with what they were needed to do. What I would do next time to improve on the elements that showed weakness, would be learning how to do the parts that I found harder before I was needed to start making a progression on. This would be from understanding the differences between Foley and found sounds for my soundtrack and knowing how to use the different equipment we were using for filming our production with. We were using a GoPro to show a wide angle lens, but by doing so we was needed to learn how to hold the GoPro properly so it wasn’t shaky and out of proportion. 

In my own opinion, the parts that I personally thought that worked particularly well were the use of research that I conducted throughout my production process. This would consist of collecting all my research onto different online documents so I could keep it in different files and folders so whenever I needed a recap in what was expected of, and then it wouldn’t become a problem. My work was adapted through my research and feedback by giving me a helping hand in what was willing to be asked and would make my work easier in knowing how to layout certain information needed, this would then therefore make my work more successful with the use of backup sheets to help.

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