Wednesday 31 January 2018


  • What genre would you classify your film as? Horror/Action
  • Think of three other examples from the same genre: IT, Get Out and Annabelle. These three movies link within each other because they all have a character that is wanting too kill people and turn against them. Furthermore, our film links to these other three films because we include different segments like: an unknown character that is wanting to murder a group of us (IT's story also follows along like ours).
  • List all of the things that they have in common - character types, story events, settings, etc: our film has character types in general like we include just one main character that is looking to murder us and looking to cause disruption, they also include the same story events as they all follow a storyline then all get's changed and sorted at the end, they have the same settings as they include a dark and morbid atmosphere to cause tension for the audience. 
  • How many of these elements appear in your own story? quite a few of these different elements lay within each segment of scenes. This is because all stories are following a horror based story to them... 
  • What elements are unique to your story? Our film is unique to the other films because it is filmed as first person, interactive and we included things that we enjoy seeing and having in a film.
  • Why do media producers use genres? music producers use genre so they can just focus on one main storyline.
  • How do we as audiences use genres? we have our own favourites and include them all into one to make our storyline to our film. 
  • Who is the target audience for your film? How will your use of genre appeal to them? 15-18 years old and we will use our genre to appeal that kind of age group by including tension, mixed emotion and crime. Where segments will become upbeat and will encourage the audience members to watch it. 

Monday 29 January 2018

SEO Considerations

SEO Consideration

The main things that matter within an SEO Consideration are:

  • Words Matter (search engines account for every word on the web. This way if someone is wanting a repair on something, all they can do is write it on the search engine and will come up with the listings of these things via from just those certain key words that you write in)
  • Titles Matter (each page on the web has an official title but you may not always see it as it's in the code. Search engines pay a lot of attention in page titles as they often summarise the page like a books title)
  • Links Matter (when one web page links to another, it's usually a recommendation telling that this site then has good information. A web page has different links coming to it that look good to different search engines. 

How will we use it? we will use it by including each aspect to our own made website by adding clickable titles at the top of the page: gallery, share, cast, home and synopsis. We've also added social media logos that when you click on it, it will direct you automatically to the website for each thing- this is instead of writing both individual search engine links into the bar and finding it, this is an easier and better way... 

Thursday 25 January 2018


What I did to achieve this:

- I firstly decided what image I wanted to be viewed as people first look at it (as you can see above, I've chosen a festival/concert)
- I then had to choose what I wanted on my first Hotspot, so by doing this I decided to firstly attach a video onto it. I was then needed too upload an MP4 video file which was an artist during his concert. I had to convert the MP4 video to a webm format by using a source converter called Miro. Furthermore, I had to create this interactive video by using WordPress as I selected H5P Content and Add New from the album menu. Then select the Create option for H5P and choose Interactive video from the list of Content types. My next step was to edit this Interactive video. Therefore, I had to focus on the top part of the editor, which was located above the Common fields header. In simpler terms, the Interactive video content types consisted of three tabs: Upload video, Add interactions and Summary task. Lastly, after completing the edit for the Interactive video, you was then needed to upload this file so it was viewable to watch as your first hotspot.

Title: -> BerriesAuthor: Fred Rune RahmSource: Attribution-ShareAlike

This is where you could then add your interactions.

We use the toolbar above the video clip to add interactions

Monday 22 January 2018

Task 4 - The Hunted

Target audience.

  • What content is the target audience looking for?
Our target audience for our film is going to range from around 14-18 year olds, with also an age rating from 15. We chose this age range because we thought that it would cover most ages in this generation in who would watch our film. This age group will be looking for: drama, entertainment and crime.

  • What type of content do they tend to view and share? 
We will include a short brief introduction of what our film is going to be about. This may be displayed as a short trailer of our film, pictures showing each individual film scene or just in text. 

  • What questions are they asking? 
The audience may ask questions like: the viewing times of the film, prices, what it's about, who's the cast and crew and when is the release date. 

  • What channel are we using to advertise The Hunted?
We are using Instagram to publish our information, videos and pictures to show what our film is about and based on. 

Monday 15 January 2018

Evaluate your findings from Tasks 1 and 2 - Task 3

Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and YouTube are used by audiences to create engagement with other people and the majority of why audiences use social media is to keep in contact with others via interacting with others. Furthermore, social media site: Facebook is used to share photos and videos that are either posted by you individually or from other people. Twitter is used to tweet status' and sometimes photos. Instagram is used to post memories like videos and photos onto your account to share with your followers, Snapchat is used too snap videos or photos to your story that your friends can see or you can just send personally. You can also view different filters or effects that can be added to your snaps, along with text if needed. Lastly, YouTube offers free viewings to YouTuber's videos with also a subscribe button to give you daily notifications to of when they post to their channel.

Social Media Audit - Task 2

Relationship between audio and picture in chosen productions

TV Clip - Celebrity Big Brother
Film Clip - Toy Story

  • Why is soundtrack important for tv/film productions? Find a quote from a famous filmmaker on this topic.
  • Please organise your work into paragraphs 
  • I have highlighted your paragraph on music as an example of where you need to improve your work here. Rewrite this paragraph, start by describing the music in CBB. Why does the music suit the show? Does it put the audience into a particular mood (set emotional tenor)? Then do same for Toy Story.

The relationship between the audio and picture in these productions is that in film, they use a different working environment to film in compared to someone that was filming the broadcast audio for television - they both use different sound ranges between the both, what I mean by this is that audio is completely different in television than in a film. In a film clip, it may pick up certain sound effects that you would be able to hear than if you would watch a television clip and wouldn’t be able to hear. Explain what diegetic sound is first. For example, diegetic sound is used mainly in more of a film clip, this is because if it was placed into an action film, like when guns were either fired or a character had got shot, it would create a much louder and full effect sound than it would normally. This would be made so it can sound more dramatic than normal and gets you into the action more. In my chosen film clip, Toy Story. They use diegetic sound when either the most important parts and scenes come up or an action that needs to be pointed out and noticed more. However, in my chosen tv clip, Celebrity Big Brother, they wouldn’t include a diegetic sound during filming because it wouldn’t be needed, especially if the programme was LIVE because otherwise it wouldn’t be possible as it would be if it was a film production. Furthermore, in non diegetic sound within film and tv productions, it is both used differently again. This is because in film, non diegetic sound is sometimes used in films. Refer to an example in your chosen film i.e. musical score. But, in Toy Story an narrator’s commentary doesn’t come into place within the film as it wouldn’t work properly. However, if a film did use a narrator’s commentary, it’s only when a character is thinking their thoughts in their mind so only them and the viewers can hear it. This is called non diegetic sound. Other than that, there is more options in non diegetic sound being used for tv programmes, like a narrator’s commentary as it would fall into place better. This is used sometimes in Celebrity Big Brother but is seen common in tv programmes like Come Dine With Me, Planet Earth and You’ve Been Framed. There are a lot more tv programmes that have a narrator’s commentary in it but these are the 3 that are most common and have more of a non diegetic sound to them. Furthermore, music will come into it via film and tv programmes as personally I would say that they both use music in the same way and overall I would consider that they both don’t use music as much as they would than other things that had been listed as sometimes it may not be applicable. Although both TV and film programmes do use a range of natural and hyper-real imagery within each clip. What I mean by this is that tv programmes use a lot more hyper-real scenes for the audiences viewing pleasure. A film is a bit different when it comes to exaggeration in comparison to reality as a film sticks to a storyline and nothing can’t come out of place, depending on what it is based on - e.g. ‘the characters are hyper-real rather than naturalistic’. Lastly, audio post processing is the process of creating the soundtrack for moving images. Ever since the once silent movies developed, a prerecorded track, filmmakers have been looking to control and improve the quality of the sound of their videos. This would compare with the relationship between tv programmes as audio post processing was originally “live”, like the visual program it was part of. As tv evolved and grew to include “videotaped” and “filmed” programming, its need for audio post increased. Audio post processing would work better with both dim and tv programmes, as this was because they both would include with foley mixing and editing, production dialogue editing (tv) and music composition. Adding onto this, the relationship of picture between film and tv is not a lot of difference. The main difference between it all, is that during tv productions, they use more than 1 camera to film, they use a different use of camera shots and angles. However, during the process of picture in film, it is slightly different. This is because the majority in film making only uses 2 cameras max to film as they shot and film each individual scene separately and run it over and over again until they get it spot on. This is different with tv productions as most of them are run “live”. 

Dialogue - Celebrity Big Brother (throughout show)

During the show of Celebrity Big Brother, the producers use dialogue throughout the whole of the programme, it isn't really split up between each scene. What I mean about this is that they include smooth edits during transformation and also includes characterisation. This is when an actor creates a role of a character by using their own skills that they add within their acting. Furthermore, the dialogue is different between tv programmes and films. Personally, I would say that the volume of speak between both things is that it is more laid back with tv programmes than film shows.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Website Research

Weebly -

In my opinion I thought that Wix was harder because it was quite complicated in choosing the correct templates.

Jumanji 360

  • When you first enter the site, you come to a landing page. This is where it shows the title of 'Jamanji 360'
  • Next, you will then come to the homepage with the poster of the video game. This is where it displays animated features.
  • It will then show what the film is all about, with viewings of the cast and crew by displaying their names and role for the film. This will give you a brief explanation in what characters are in the film and what they are there for.
  • The way that the website uses their images, is by adding still photographs from the film and using a different way to format it. They make out the images are presented on a tv screen as if you were watching the actual film. 
  • Sony includes a short trailer of the film as a whole on their website, by advertising what the film is all about. They also include background music and people talking to make it seem so real... 
  • Furthermore, on the website, there is a 360 Treehouse that is virtual for viewers to use and to work their way around the treehouse by finding the 6 missing objects - this is known as an interactive game.
  • Lastly, there are social media links on their website that you can then go and visit to follow the lastest news about the film, following from: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 

Get Out!
  • When you first enter the homepage of the website, you will come to a massive screen with a background of the film trailer. Followed along with the title 'Get Out'. It will then show you who the writer was and when it is in cinemas. 
  • Next, you will then be able to come to a tab advertising to get tickets. This is where it shows you the availability of tickets and what cinemas are showing the film. You also have the option to save the dates to your calendar.
  • On the website you will also have a tab saying 'synopsis'. This is where it gives you a brief introduction of what the film is all about so you know before purchasing any tickets. 
  • Next to that will be a trailer of the film and during the trailer, is snip-its of the main characters and who plays them.
  • The website also uses social media platforms to promote their film further with sites like Google+, Facebook, Twitter and use the hashtag #GETOUT. 

Image result for dunkirk


  • When you first enter the website, it takes you to a landing page where it displays a loading percentage and once that's downloaded, it takes you straight to a trailer of the film.
  • Once you close that trailer, it will give you different tabs to click on. The first one it comes too is, to give you an option to watch the trailers and to view the whole official soundtrack.
  • Next, it gives you the option to play the Dunkirk Experience game. The next option that you can go too on the website is to view different film trailers from other films like the Greatness Showman. 
  • Next, you can go to the link that will take you to the Amazon website to purchase the film instead of going to the cinema.
  • Lastly, you are able to order the tickets from the official website.

Image result for wonder woman 2017

Wonder Woman

  • When you first enter the site, it shows you the whole trailer of the film to let you get to understand what the film is all about.
  • Next, at the top right hand corner is tabs that you are able to click on. The first one takes you to the characters that are in the film, where it shows you who the characters are and what they're called. 
  • They offer comic and graphic novels. This is where you are able to purchase the comics from Wonder Woman from prices ranging from around £4.00
  • The other one offers the chance to view the movies that are produced by the company 'DC' that wrote Wonder Woman. 
  • Lastly along that column, is the news page that covers all the social media sites of the latest news about the movies and what's new. 
  • You also have the option to follow them on social media platform: Tumblr. 
Image result for blade runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049

  • When you first enter the site, you will see a landing site that gives you the option to watch the trailer of Blade Runner.
  • As you scroll down, you are able to read the story of Blade Runner 2049 and to get to know the story line of it all and who wrote the film.
  • Next to that you are able to buy the tickets to go and see Blade Runner 2049 with digital sites like Amazon, Google Play and iTunes to purchase them from. 
  • Furthermore, you can view the gallery of the film with still images, videos and gifs taken from the film itself. 
  • Lastly, you can follow them on Tumblr as well and view the dashboard. 
Image result for lady bird

Lady Bird

  • Their official website to this film is social media platform, Facebook. As you first enter the page, you will see a background picture of 'Universal'. 
  • You can then go and share their Facebook page to promote the film and to link their page too.
  • You are able to watch videos that are from the film and too comment underneath them too.
  • Reviews are added on the page as well to see what people think about the film to share your on thoughts and opinions. 
Image result for logan


  • When you first enter the website, you see the landing page that displays you clips from the film as the background image, with bold fonts to create the title as 'LOGAN'. Underneath this you are able to buy tickets in a bright red noticeable box.
  • It will then show you how to get these tickets by typing in your address and it will then give you the best available tickets from your area and where they are showing it. 
  • There are many short clip trailers on the website from YouTube that are taken from the film individually. 
  • They also include what the film is about under the 'about' column followed along with who directed the film and who it was directed by. 
  • Lastly, there are social media sites that you can go onto like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Google+ to then go and follow the latest on the film. 
Image result for baby driver

Baby Driver

  • When you first enter the site, it starts with a landing page that shows a loading timer. As it loads, it displays that you can buy the DVD for Baby Driver on Blu-Ray and Digital. 
  • At the top of the website, you can sign up to their newsletter to receive the latest news about the film.
  • As you scroll down, it'll give you opportunities to win exclusive stuff from Baby Driver with amazing prizes.
  • Further down, there are just credits for the advertisement and the companies that are in either partnership or in credit for the film is listed below. They don't show any news, crew and cast for the film or any idea if you can watch it in the cinema. 
  • Lastly, you are able to follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media sites.
Image result for IT film

IT the Film

  • As you enter the site, you land onto a landing page that takes you straight to the homepage of the website. This is where you will firstly find the trailer of the film IT.
  • Next, it is presented with a massive image of the film as the background with quotes from audience members that had watched the film in the past that are displayed at the top of the website.
  • The way that the site presents their images is by displaying them in rows of 2 from stills of the movie. They are placed on a black plain background so they are bold and stands out clear.
  • The videos used on the website are trailers, first look and teaser trailers to entice you to watch the film! 
  • They have a cinematic experience that viewers can experience just like they're in the film themselves, it gives an idea of what it is all about. What it includes is interactive videos that you can choose to do on different media sites like: YouTube 360, Facebook 360, Samsung VR, Littlstar and Jaunt. You will float around the town of IT... 
  • Lastly, they give you the option to follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where you can explore their pages and see what the latest news of the film is.

Image result for darkest hour

Darkest Hour

  • As you enter the website, you get taken to the homepage where it displays a wide moving shot of a clip taken from the film used as the background image.
  • It will then give you an advantage to buy their tickets to see the film on the 'buy now' section underneath the title on the homepage.
  • Next to that is something called synopsis. This is where it gives an explanation of what the film is all about and who the main people were to create this film and the history of it all.
  • They use still images from the film used on a plain black background so it stands out and to give a small idea of what the film looks like. 
  • You are able to watch the whole trailer of the film underneath the 'video' section.
  • Lastly, you are able to follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to follow the latest news on it all by also using the hashtag #DARKESTHOUR

Makeup used within the era (1960's - 1990's)

1960’s Dramatic black and white eyes Pastel colours False lashes 1970’s Retro smoky eyes Skinny brows 1980’s ...