Monday 15 January 2018

Relationship between audio and picture in chosen productions

TV Clip - Celebrity Big Brother
Film Clip - Toy Story

  • Why is soundtrack important for tv/film productions? Find a quote from a famous filmmaker on this topic.
  • Please organise your work into paragraphs 
  • I have highlighted your paragraph on music as an example of where you need to improve your work here. Rewrite this paragraph, start by describing the music in CBB. Why does the music suit the show? Does it put the audience into a particular mood (set emotional tenor)? Then do same for Toy Story.

The relationship between the audio and picture in these productions is that in film, they use a different working environment to film in compared to someone that was filming the broadcast audio for television - they both use different sound ranges between the both, what I mean by this is that audio is completely different in television than in a film. In a film clip, it may pick up certain sound effects that you would be able to hear than if you would watch a television clip and wouldn’t be able to hear. Explain what diegetic sound is first. For example, diegetic sound is used mainly in more of a film clip, this is because if it was placed into an action film, like when guns were either fired or a character had got shot, it would create a much louder and full effect sound than it would normally. This would be made so it can sound more dramatic than normal and gets you into the action more. In my chosen film clip, Toy Story. They use diegetic sound when either the most important parts and scenes come up or an action that needs to be pointed out and noticed more. However, in my chosen tv clip, Celebrity Big Brother, they wouldn’t include a diegetic sound during filming because it wouldn’t be needed, especially if the programme was LIVE because otherwise it wouldn’t be possible as it would be if it was a film production. Furthermore, in non diegetic sound within film and tv productions, it is both used differently again. This is because in film, non diegetic sound is sometimes used in films. Refer to an example in your chosen film i.e. musical score. But, in Toy Story an narrator’s commentary doesn’t come into place within the film as it wouldn’t work properly. However, if a film did use a narrator’s commentary, it’s only when a character is thinking their thoughts in their mind so only them and the viewers can hear it. This is called non diegetic sound. Other than that, there is more options in non diegetic sound being used for tv programmes, like a narrator’s commentary as it would fall into place better. This is used sometimes in Celebrity Big Brother but is seen common in tv programmes like Come Dine With Me, Planet Earth and You’ve Been Framed. There are a lot more tv programmes that have a narrator’s commentary in it but these are the 3 that are most common and have more of a non diegetic sound to them. Furthermore, music will come into it via film and tv programmes as personally I would say that they both use music in the same way and overall I would consider that they both don’t use music as much as they would than other things that had been listed as sometimes it may not be applicable. Although both TV and film programmes do use a range of natural and hyper-real imagery within each clip. What I mean by this is that tv programmes use a lot more hyper-real scenes for the audiences viewing pleasure. A film is a bit different when it comes to exaggeration in comparison to reality as a film sticks to a storyline and nothing can’t come out of place, depending on what it is based on - e.g. ‘the characters are hyper-real rather than naturalistic’. Lastly, audio post processing is the process of creating the soundtrack for moving images. Ever since the once silent movies developed, a prerecorded track, filmmakers have been looking to control and improve the quality of the sound of their videos. This would compare with the relationship between tv programmes as audio post processing was originally “live”, like the visual program it was part of. As tv evolved and grew to include “videotaped” and “filmed” programming, its need for audio post increased. Audio post processing would work better with both dim and tv programmes, as this was because they both would include with foley mixing and editing, production dialogue editing (tv) and music composition. Adding onto this, the relationship of picture between film and tv is not a lot of difference. The main difference between it all, is that during tv productions, they use more than 1 camera to film, they use a different use of camera shots and angles. However, during the process of picture in film, it is slightly different. This is because the majority in film making only uses 2 cameras max to film as they shot and film each individual scene separately and run it over and over again until they get it spot on. This is different with tv productions as most of them are run “live”. 

Dialogue - Celebrity Big Brother (throughout show)

During the show of Celebrity Big Brother, the producers use dialogue throughout the whole of the programme, it isn't really split up between each scene. What I mean about this is that they include smooth edits during transformation and also includes characterisation. This is when an actor creates a role of a character by using their own skills that they add within their acting. Furthermore, the dialogue is different between tv programmes and films. Personally, I would say that the volume of speak between both things is that it is more laid back with tv programmes than film shows.

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