Wednesday 31 January 2018


  • What genre would you classify your film as? Horror/Action
  • Think of three other examples from the same genre: IT, Get Out and Annabelle. These three movies link within each other because they all have a character that is wanting too kill people and turn against them. Furthermore, our film links to these other three films because we include different segments like: an unknown character that is wanting to murder a group of us (IT's story also follows along like ours).
  • List all of the things that they have in common - character types, story events, settings, etc: our film has character types in general like we include just one main character that is looking to murder us and looking to cause disruption, they also include the same story events as they all follow a storyline then all get's changed and sorted at the end, they have the same settings as they include a dark and morbid atmosphere to cause tension for the audience. 
  • How many of these elements appear in your own story? quite a few of these different elements lay within each segment of scenes. This is because all stories are following a horror based story to them... 
  • What elements are unique to your story? Our film is unique to the other films because it is filmed as first person, interactive and we included things that we enjoy seeing and having in a film.
  • Why do media producers use genres? music producers use genre so they can just focus on one main storyline.
  • How do we as audiences use genres? we have our own favourites and include them all into one to make our storyline to our film. 
  • Who is the target audience for your film? How will your use of genre appeal to them? 15-18 years old and we will use our genre to appeal that kind of age group by including tension, mixed emotion and crime. Where segments will become upbeat and will encourage the audience members to watch it. 

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