Tuesday 6 February 2018

SEO Points

3 ways to rank number 1. on Google

  • Focus on content
  • Optimise your title tag and write a description - Google tracks on who's clicking on what listing and you have to include the key word in your title and your description. If it doesn't flow in a sentence its not going to be easy and won't be appealing. 
  • Use Google search console - it gives you a tool in how you will rank number 1 on google. If you're not already a member, then sign up! it's free... give it a few days because it takes time to populate data. shows you which articles is giving you engagement. shows how many people are seeing your listing and clicking through, and who skips past your listing. Shows: engagement, clicks and the clicks through rate. 
-  Most of your pages will get less than 5% click through rate
-  Take the keywords you get impressions for and add to copy 
-  It has to flow naturally
-  If it has too many keywords then people will bounce off your page

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