Monday 26 February 2018

The Hunted - our website

The Hunted Interactive Film Website

Here's the link to our website:

We decided to choose this design for our website because we thought that the colour scheme would match well with the chosen interactive film genre - dark blues and blacks. 
We've also included information with bold and wide text to talk about what our film is about... The layout we have used is quite a basic, spaced out design so it doesn't look too cramped and miss matched. This is because if we decided to choose a layout with too much going on, it wouldn't be very enjoyable to look at and read. By doing this, we have chosen a layout that is easier to read.

The pages that are on our website, are the home page, trailer, synopsis, gallery, share and the cast. On the page on the home page, is just an explanation of the synopsis of what our interactive film is going to be about, we haven't included our information on the gallery and trailer page as this wasn't really needed, on the share page, we've added our 5 social media links like: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Lastly, we've added a page about the cast and who's written the interactive film and the website. This will be followed along with our self-portraits of ourselves and a short explanation of ourselves as well. 

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Choosing Our Own Adventure

The reason why we are choosing that selected adventure, is because it shows more tension and gives us the impression that it is the most interesting when we further read... sometimes we will choose the safer option other than the most dangerous option. Overall, we would choose what we would think are the most correct option to unfold the story as possible - this can be by choosing the safer and easier option that they give.
The option of this was that we would either go with the police or with your own friends. We chose to go with our friends as we felt that our loyalties laid with them and would be the better option. However, another member of our group decided to go with the police, which made all of us doubt each other to what we wanted to go with.

Some of the time, the other members in the group will decide to go with another option other than the option that you're going to choose. They may disagree with you because some of the time, you would want to choose a simpler and easier option and the others may want to go further into the story with an unsafer choice.

I am relating these questions with the interactive video of 'The Knife' that we watched a couple of weeks ago to get inspiration and ideas for our own interactive video for our production 'The Hunted'. 

Are the stories more complicated than standard stories - or are the variations just superficial?
The stories are both the same but instead of having your story already chosen for you, you have the option to make your own decisions by choosing from 3 max options.

If you have too much choice - can it really still be a story? 
Yes, a story is a story. It doesn't matter how many choices you have, you are still creating an ending to a story. Within 'The Knife' interactive video, it gave 3 options to choose from. By doing this, it may give many different endings from either positive or negative.

How do these choices affect you understanding of characters and their psychology? 
Depending on what choices you choose, you will have different views against each individual character. This is because, depending on what choice you choose, it may bring some actions that either a character may take which will cause you to have either a positive or negative view towards them. This will also reflect back onto 'The Knife' interactive video as it gave options that would create conflict between both parties that were included within the film or choices where it would lead you to walk away from the certain situations.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Website Photo

SEO Points

3 ways to rank number 1. on Google

  • Focus on content
  • Optimise your title tag and write a description - Google tracks on who's clicking on what listing and you have to include the key word in your title and your description. If it doesn't flow in a sentence its not going to be easy and won't be appealing. 
  • Use Google search console - it gives you a tool in how you will rank number 1 on google. If you're not already a member, then sign up! it's free... give it a few days because it takes time to populate data. shows you which articles is giving you engagement. shows how many people are seeing your listing and clicking through, and who skips past your listing. Shows: engagement, clicks and the clicks through rate. 
-  Most of your pages will get less than 5% click through rate
-  Take the keywords you get impressions for and add to copy 
-  It has to flow naturally
-  If it has too many keywords then people will bounce off your page

Written Report - IT the trailer


Written Report

IT the trailer has given me inspiration to write about the trailer in many ways like: sound and dialogue.
The sound effects that is used in the IT trailer were jump scares, creaking noises, loud and dramatic bangs and tension rising disasters when something bad happens, an extravagant noise occurs...
Furthermore, the dialogue that is used within the film trailer of IT, is that there are many negative and sudden events that happen throughout the storyline

Makeup used within the era (1960's - 1990's)

1960’s Dramatic black and white eyes Pastel colours False lashes 1970’s Retro smoky eyes Skinny brows 1980’s ...