Thursday 28 September 2017

Week 3 Carousel

  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
  2. List under the following 
  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
  • Skills that you have tried.
  • Any processes 
  • and methods you used.
  • Any tools that you used.
The skills that I have used is to learn how to use the equipment in the studio by using the cameras, lights and how to work in a big group with the use of teamwork - as well as by using these things as tools. By using these skills, we had to design and create an advert with 'Bic 4colours'. We all had to get separated into 4 different groups and create a production in how we was going to advertise the use of the 'Bic 4colours'. 
My group decided to present it in a classroom working area, while the teacher hands one of the student a 'Bic 4colour' as the student acted out if they were struggling to write with their rubbish pen. The other students then become jealous by this... which creates tension. 

The processes and methods that I have used is by working step by step to make the advert successful - i.e by starting off planning out what we thoughts and wanted to make the advert presentable and not rushing into things so it is simple , basic which also shows a wide range of thought and plan into it so it doesn't look too "cluttered".

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Makeup used within the era (1960's - 1990's)

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